SATIERF's Commission Batch - #2 and #3


Hello Again!

Some time passed and I got done with another batch of commissions. Actually, I completed 2 batches between this and the last commission post!

This time I am very happy with the result of pretty much all of them! My clients had very cool characters to work with and I had an absolute blast! It didn't even feel like work, I was just enjoying myself.

If you are reading this and were my client for this or any other batch, thank you so much for commissioning me! I really appreciate the support! If you were not my client but are interested in commissioning me once the opportunity arises, feel free to check out my Commission Trello for more information about it! Also, stay tuned on my Twitter as I will announce when I am open for commissions through there.

Alright! Let's start with the most recent batch then!

1. Purity

The first one was made for @MoiraAunty. She asked me to draw her main OC - Purity - and gave me lots of freedom with what to do with her. However, she did give me pointers, a character bio and lots of references, which were incredibly helpful.

Since she's an archeologist, I wanted to emphasize her profession by the use of props and a bit of storytelling. I started by roughly sketching some poses to share with her and see what's the best direction to go.

I was surprised to see that we ended up moving forward with the least dynamic pose of all the sketches I shared. I think it was a good decision though, as there's some story behind it when she digs some alien-looking shell out with her trusty shovel. A more chill setting than the usual Indiana Jones type of action she's depicted in.

Truly a blast to work on this one! I absolutely love this character.

2. Amanda

This one was ordered by @Amanda_hedgehog on Twitter, who has an awesome art style and some very cool-looking characters. I love her street-fashioned aesthetics so much that I open an extra slot just for her in this batch.

I love that Amanda was very straight to the point with what she wanted, sharing a limited number of reference images, but that very accurately described what she wanted. Even then, in the process, I ended up getting inspired and doing something a little bit different that I thought would add up to the piece.

One of my favourite things to do when drawing characters is to have them interact with props. That not only gives them more personality, it also tells a story. In this drawing, we know that Amanda is a hoverboard rider, and we also know the kind of attitude she has.

In fact, when I sketched this, I kinda fell in love with her attitude. I am so glad that the client agreed with me.

The street aesthetics inspired me to the very end where I quickly put together an industrial/urban simple background. It might look like it took a lot of work, but it didn't really as I had previously spent some time creating assets to reuse in environments. I also had previously purchased some custom shapes to use in concept art. The whole thing probably took 10 minutes.

3. Emilia

This was for @sksvtn, and it's actually the very first render commission I worked on! I understand why though: it's expensive! There's a reason for the price though, as it takes a considerable amount of time to get these done and the process is a bit more involved than the cel-shaded one.

Also, most of you guys prefer the cel-shaded/comic book style more.

That being said though, it was very refreshing to work on a render commission for once! Emilia was particularly difficult to draw, especially considering that I was pretty tired when I started drawing her. I am pretty happy with the final result, although I believe the pose could be a bit stronger.

But yeah... commission this style more, please! I have lots of fun with it.

4. Saber

Lastly, for this batch, we have Saber! This was commissioned by @Big_Bad_Sukima and it was particularly challenging! This was the one that took the longest and the most iterations to get right. At some point, I literally did the clean-up stage from scratch because of how unhappy I was with it.

What I found particularly challenging was how to arrange all the elements of the character in the pose that she's striking (which I loved and didn't want to change) as well as some features, such as the hair. I actually struggle a bit with Sonic characters with voluminous hair.

I took a break from this one for a while. The first time was just me stopping with commissions overall for a few days to recharge my batteries, but I also deliberately put this one on hold for a bit so I could think about it and come back to it with a fresh pair of eyes.

It paid off! When I came back to it, I had a much clearer idea of the direction I wanted to go with it and the final result looks pretty good in my opinion!

Needlewind, thanks for putting up with that!

While we're at it, let's go very quickly through BATCH 2, which was considerably smaller compared to other batches. Sometimes, depending on my schedule, I only open a limited amount of slots so I can make sure I'll finish them all within a reasonable period of time and not overwork myself (too much). However, that still counts as a batch, so here we go!

01. Zac

Zac is a character created by @BuckyDingo and she's a bat. She has a seductive, femme fatale feeling to her that I absolutely love, and goes well with her secret agent outfit. It was actually pretty nostalgic considering the similarities to Totally Spies, which is a show I would watch back when I was a kid and actually rewatched it not long ago!

I don't have much to say about this one other than I am happy with the result. The pose and the attitude come across well and the details look good. I am actually pretty happy with how her arm looks like. Her suit gave me an opportunity to highlight some anatomy features that I usually don't with Sonic characters to avoid the uncanny valley. I feel like it worked well here.

Cannot wait to work with you again, Bucky!

02. Ashey

For the very last commission of this post, this one was done for @ThatMobian. The dynamic pose for Ashey was very fun to do in the sketch stage, but I need to admit that it was tricky to make all the elements work when tying things down. Body twists can be tricky every now and then.

However, I managed to make it work, and I am glad I did because the pose looks great! I did my best to make the composition look interesting as well, by tilting the character a bit on an angle, as well as adding background and foreground elements and some blurs to suggest movement.

Closing Thoughts

That's all I got so far for commissions. It's been great to work on these, and I am glad that I am getting more and more cool OCs to work with. The experience of drawing commissions exponentially increase when the content you work with matches your interests and tastes. That being said, thank you to all who commissioned me for supporting me and my work.

Another way you can support me and get something out of it without having to spend hundreds of dollars is to purchase something from my Ko-Fi shop! I currently have some PSDs available so you can learn more about my process, as well as a 4+ hours-long tutorial on my Sally Acorn drawing in my comic book style. I cover a lot of content and techniques there, so consider checking it out!


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